Rockleigh Street Renovation
Home Renovation, Thornton, NSW
I believe that good design should not be limited to high end projects only. I am passionate about making the most of your space and budget by using skills that I have acquired over years of dedicated experience. Whether you’re building your family home, your dream home or a commercial space, including us in your design will make all the difference.
Home Renovation, Thornton, NSW
Custom Home, Billy’s Lookout, Teralba NSW
Multi-Residential, New Lambton, NSW
Two Storey Residence, Dudley, NSW
Studio Addition, Hamilton South, Newcastle, NSW
Two Storey Residence, Bar Beach, NSW
Town-house development, Mayfield West, NSW
San Jose, California USA
Two Storey House, Catherine Hill Bay, NSW
Mixed Use Commercial/Retail, Hamilton South, NSW
Lower Storey Addition, Highfields, Newcastle, NSW
Two Storey Addition, Tighes Hill, NSW
Two Storey Addition, Merewether, Newcastle, NSW
Two Storey Residence, Burwood, NSW
Our residential Newcastle architects know how important it is to prioritise your family’s comfort, lifestyle, and enjoyment in our designs.
Whether you’re planning a renovation, extension or your new custom home, Craggspace Architecture can help create a design that makes the most out of your home and space.